Prostate Massage - From a Partner's Perspective
Participating in the Prostate Massage ritual involves being free of inhibitions from both sides. When venturing into the prostate area, keep in mind that half the fun is getting there. You need to be comfortable with your partner. You can do this by yourself, but it's very nice to have assistance from a willing partner.
To begin, you will want to work your way up to the area with a bit of foreplay. Kissing and licking your partner, teasing with the tongue, making sure to lubricate the area well and not make any sudden moves. You can use your index finger or a toy (or your own penis!) that is made for such an occasion.
The prostate gland can be properly milked from outside of the body just by placing gentle massaging strokes in the area between the anus and the scrotum. But for the real deal and the most sensational orgasm that can come with a prostate massage, you really should consider manipulating things on the inside. You should not press too hard. Stick your finger in slowly and curve it downwards towards the scrotum area as if you are gesturing somebody to "come here". Pay attention to your partner as you are massaging to and from the prostate area.
Continue this massage for several minutes while things get heated. This will bring an orgasm or ejaculation from the prostate gland. Don't worry if you do not hit the nail on the head the first couple of times. The key thing to remember is to be gentle so that if you don't succeed the first time, your partner will be willing to let you try again.